it's amazing how a period of 40 days elapses in the blink of an eye. when i next snap my fingers, i'll probably be back in school beginning the degree programme with the others. though of course, it won't be with the whole of 0612A... which will be quite a sad thing even though the usual clique i hang with will be intact. i wonder why mdis actually bothered to let us have such a large class in the first place only to split us up, just as we have begun gelling as a whole. nonetheless, i guess we'll still see each other in school, tis a shame it won't be in the process of learning together.
it's almost been a month since my last reading, which was the for the 2nd sunday of lent. now i've gotta gear up for the easter vigil's 5th reading as i've only got one more training session left before the big day. i really feel that i have grown in the lector ministry in ol, i really do. one of the greatest things about being so in touch with the Word is that you learn so much, especially all the little nuances, symbolisms, imagery and language that was used in those days of old. on top of that, i think i've come a long way, learning more about a language i already thought i had known enough about and finding out just where my strengths really lie. i've never really been a cantor type, for i never ever felt comfortable leading people in song behind a mike, even with all that training in sji (which i loved once i had gotten used to, but that is a time long past). nay, my strength truly lies in reading. it is my element, and the fact that my nerves don't act us as much whenever i read is indicative of this. and i will do everything in my power to practise and perfect this reading for the vigil and for those who have put their faith in me to accomplish this, most of all the good Lord who has called me to this.
looking back at my chat with kelly last night, i really do think that God's work has had a huge hand to play in where i am today faith wise. if i hadn't stepped into ntu for that one year and met all the wonderful people that i have met, i probably wouldn't treasure the faith i carry so much nor would i have involved myself in any ministry in church. while i've always had what i gleaned from sji and cj, the most important years are definitely the ones after confirmation in the faith formation of a young person. i really don't know where i'd be had i not found out the benefits of rcia, the fellowship from a catholic community on campus, the importance of service and the thirst to know more about a faith i have carried for 22 years of my life. csa has molded the steel i had taken from my earlier days and cast it into my shield and sword. i might not even be a lector now had i not met goose, who introduced me to her catechism partner, david, who is a lector as well. while it did pain me greatly that i had to leave all of that behind, i'm really grateful that i've been blessed with the time. will and energy to go back every week. like sarah said, it's like i never left. and i hope i can keep on going back, because csa means that much to me and it has given me so, so much.
and i just looked at my email that contained my first rostered reading. i've lectored at ol for 5 months already. wow.
looking at my room, i can't help but feel that i'll definitely miss this place when we eventually do move out. i look forward to the new surroundings, but i've called this place home for 22 years and 4 months of my life. heck, i remember how i cried my little eyes out when i saw it being rennovated when i was just a kid of about 4 or 5. sure, i've lived 3 years away from here from my time in hall and army, but this place is home. home. one letter less than house, yet it makes such a big difference. feels like i'm living on borrowed time every morning i wake up here. i'm really gonna miss this place.
the thought of moving out will be an interesting proposition though. guess this family will be whole again if we all move into jie's place, for good or for worse. can't imagine having to share rooms with my sister tho. we might level the place.
ah well. guess i'll end my ramblings here for now. sleep beckons, and i have a tonne of investigative work to do later...