Wednesday, September 02, 2009

spider-man vs mickey mouse? it just might happen...

hoo boy. if you haven't heard the news by now, disney has bought over marvel in a four billion dollar deal.

yeah. mickey mouse is now the boss of peter parker, tony stark and the x-men.

i probably speak for a dozen and one fans out there, but i hope disney has the sense to not mess with a winning formula. heck, i bet the fellas at disney are getting bombarded by all the marvel fan boys making that point in various degrees.

i suppose if there's one good thing about having disney look after the marvel properties is that we'll most likely be getting good, solid animations. just imagine a pixar spider-man animated series. or fantastic four. or x-men.

now that would be awesome.

though i guess the most important thing is that the comics be totally untouched. seriously.

can you imagine every story arc being made to have a mandatory happy disney ending? or no deaths allowed? the hulk beating up bad guys with a stuffed bunny instead of a lamp post?

ok, fine. i guess i'm exaggerating with that last example. disney definitely does allow some violence pass through.

but you get my point, right?

well disney, you guys really have me hoping for some really good marvel stuff. i hope you don't disappoint.


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