it's been an interesting past week. sunday was ol's fun and food fair fundraiser for divine mercy ie the church that will be right at my doorstep in the near future. while helping liz out once i couldn't find anymore proper food to constitute a proper lunch, i made this pretty neat-looking mini-rosary handphone strap with a san damiano cross.
my only problem is that my phone doesn't seem to have one of them little notches for such little trinkets... bugger.
and after that, i had my first rt session for flunking ippt in june. and having the need to weigh myself, i have officially put myself on a diet.
yes. you read that right. a freaking diet.
i know some people (of which my mom and probably the rest of my family don't belong to this group) say that i'm not fat. well, methinks appearances can be deceiving and the numbers doth not a lie tell.
if i want to be free of the scourge of rt, i have less than a month to prepare for my test, otherwise it's another 6 or so evenings wasted.
and as pull ups are an area i need to improve on, i think losing some of the unneeded kilos would help in that particular area pretty much.
now onto the bit which has to do with the title of this post. tuesday was my last day in the office at ibm as school's gonna pile up like a horrible car accident soon. and it feels like deja vu all over again.
this stint in ibm, while riddled with absences thanks to school, is easily my longest period of time spent with one company. and, like i've noted before in my old blog (yeah, i actually went through my friendster blog...), it's an odd bittersweet feeling.
i'm absolutely thankful i could sleep in and wake up at 9am this (wednesday) morning and slack the day away and then haul myself out of the house and off to ntu for mass (which, on another sidenote, was great to be back for. i missed csa!). i'm glad that i don't have the monotony of work to deal with again.
yet, i left behind an office of some good people that i got to know in my time there. and while the nkf schools department from 2005 still have my heart in terms of working environment, i think it's fair to say that the people in ibm run a close second of three. i appreciate the flexibility i was shown in terms of leaving for long periods for school and i enjoyed the company of those around me.
while i say that i will miss the dosh that i was getting, i think the main source of this bittersweetness is definitely the people.
i just hope that i can be blessed with such good colleagues in the future.