Wednesday, November 30, 2005

what a day...

rarely have i had such a densely packed day in such a while. didn't help that i woke 330pm again... the time i was supposed to meet the others to visit the archbishop at city hall. i swear, i've never flown out of bed with such speed and ferocity before at the sight of an alarm clock, especially in comparison with the past few weeks. i flew downstairs in a panic to ask mom for cash, flew back up again to shower and tell peter i'd meet them there direct since i was late. and within 15, 20 minutes of waking up, i was on a cab on my way to cathedral of the good shepherd.

the meeting went well, and we achieved our purpose and got the funding we needed... and after that it was off to hall for basketball practice. cos i was late, i tried running up the slope from hall 12 rather than wait for the bus go round nie... a move that left me *warmed up* (read: SHAGGED OUT), and the bus only came like moments after i lumbered past the bus stop. o well. i learnt a few things in my hour on the courts after such a long absence... and i had to rush back to town for my dad's birthday dinner at plaza park royal hotel. fortunately, when i reached the main road from hall, a free cab actually came by. God does provide in His mysterious ways i believe. and i'm thankful for that. ^_^

all in all, within 8 hours, i've travelled from the east to the centre, then to the west and back to the centre, then back to east of the country. crazy, but i guess it was well worth it... He really does provide =)


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