Tuesday, November 20, 2007

back to the old skool...

if i haven't told you already, drop by the transformers wiki, teletraan-1 and just search around for some really funny stuff. a great starting point would be about us, from a transformer's point of view of course.

yep, transformers geeks have a wicked sense of humour.

anyway, back to the title. i just got myself a copy of contra 4 for my ds (why not download? i did, and i liked it so much that i decided to pay for it. there *are* things worth paying for. woot.). and boy, it's a real trip to the old school days. even the manual is written in such a manner.

don't remember contra back on the nes? try recalling 2 bare bodied men clad only in blue and red pants running around with guns getting shot at/charged at from all angles. if all else fails, there's the classic up, up, down, down, left, right, left right, a, b, start konami cheat code.

if you don't remember it still, well, there's always wiki.

contra has always been a challenging series. contra 4 is challenging to the extreme even, no less like it's predecessors. it's hardcore old-school fun and unforgiving action at its finest. and unapologetically so. there's nothing like trying and trying again because of one misplaced shot or jump and eventually getting it just right and succeeding.

old school's never been cooler.


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