Monday, June 11, 2007

last post in 5 days

as you know, i'll be booking in in under 5 hours. damn ict.

which means you won't see anything new (unless some of you start to talk behind my back with the intent of me finding out by talking on the tag board) on the blog till friday evening or saturday at the earliest.

it's been an interesting sunday to say the least. somehow waking up half an hour before my 6.15am alarm despite sleeping 2-3 hours is remarkable. and i learnt how to fry eggs. and we had a good fundraising at st teresa's, considering we were worried of not even being able to break even.

and i stepped on a lizard while doing up my equipment after visiting beach road. ew.

though dinner was good since it was the buffet at parkroyal hotel for granma's birthday dinner, my sleep debt finally caught up with me and i died at my table after more or less gorging myself. for about 15 to 30 minutes. and because of the stupid ict, mom clamped down on my wine consumption.

well, when i'm finally done with my "chalet" (as i tell everyone), i'll kick back and get myself a nice 4 bottle pack of hoegaarden and try to make up for it. or whatever else i can find/afford.

anyway, time for me to lessen my sleep debt. hopefully i can get some good sleep during admin time tomorrow.

cya in five peeps. sms me if you need me. urgent calls, well... i'll try to take them when i can.

have a blessed week ahead.


Blogger Autumn Leaf said...

Good luck buddy. Let me know when you survive the ICT.

4:31 pm  

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