Thursday, January 05, 2006

first mass of the new semester...

very memorable indeed. there's nothing like sprinting from nie back to hall 9 just for the mass slides when the internet connection in the lt fails. in the pouring rain. with 30 minutes to spare when a normal walking journey takes about 8 minutes there and 8 minutes back. woohoo. talk about cutting things too close for comfort...

well, at least everything after that went smoothly... and even more people will show up next week ^_^... and thankfully, i didn't mess up my 1st attempt at baking... everyone who tried my apple cake put in a positive word, so i guess the work was all worth it. credit to my younger sis for orientating me around the kitchen and pointing me in the right direction when i needed it though...

school... how i dread thee. but i will strive to make things right this semester and try to do my best...


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