Wednesday, January 23, 2008

beautiful seeds and seeds of discord

it's strange how people can grow up together, but a certain few will have their eyes obscured to the changes that come with it.

all of us grow up with time, mature, and eventually blossom with all the beauty and goodness that was placed within each of us. unlocked and coaxed into the world by the warm sunshine of family, the encouraging water of friends and the nourishing soil of knowledge and wisdom, we all begin as seeds that metamorphose, sometimes so quickly and rapidly, into forms that bring joy and richness to those around us.

alas that some should fail to see these changes and only see the plant that has sprouted. they do not see the gorgeous flowers nor do they see the rich fruits. neither do they see the seed, in which carries the potential to transform, not only the seed itself, but the lives of everyone around it.

such people merely see a plant that is to be harvested and used as seen fit. the flowers are seen as accessories for their own beautification and glorification, fruit for their consumption and satisfaction. the seeds? they are fortunate if they are edible, let alone usable and are therefore discarded without recognition of the wonders locked away within their husks, left to be trampled upon along the wayside.

it is easy to recognise the talents and faults one has when people meet for the first time. yet, it is truly a challenge to realise that such talents can grow and misgivings diminish, especially when they unfold right before our very eyes over time.


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