Sunday, January 06, 2008

5 jan 2008 was a really good day because...

1) i somehow managed to sleep only 2 hours and get through the day. well almost.

2) helped uncle gerard shift his stuff from one flat to another across the hallway. with nick, we shifted his bedroom, gabby's and sabrina's bedrooms, his dining room and his living room, which included the honking big tv and hi-fi set.

3) i left home with 1 bag and came back with 3. left the house with 2 sets of clothes and returned with a huge tonne of clothes, including some mighty fine winter wear for sydney and oklahoma.

4) got a nice angpao for the moving work.

5) though i was late for mass by 10 minutes and i was commentating, it was probably one of the smoothest masses i've had in recent memory. even though i kinda drifted off to the border between deep prayer and sleep while father augustine sang his eucharistic prayer and had to rely on the organ playing the final doxology to jolt me back to reality. and i still changed the slide on time. woot.

6) helped a cabby out of waringin park while i was walking to godpa's to pick up my bags that gek lye ee ee and nick helped hold at their place. and i got a lift up the one slope for my trouble. haha.

7) the gift. as well as reaction. =)

8) as i approached the door when alighting at bishan, i saw this guy in the corner of my eye pump his fist as i squeezed my way to the front. as the doors opened, he said, "go man u!". needless to say, i was wearing my hargreaves united jersey, though i guess he was left a little disappointed as i walked out and asked his friend, "scholes?"

9) i'm pretty much in an unfazably good mood. the only person who drew some ire from me was this girl on the train with an awful fasion sense. even the little kid who tried to cut in front of me to get water while i ordered jie's kfc didn't so much get a frown from me. and having a flying fork (yeah, you read that right) bounce off my arm from the other counter simply drew raised eyebrows due to high amusement.

10) united won 2-0 in the fa cup with an r&r (ronaldo&rooney) strike in the last 10 minutes. and they were pretty nice looking moves to boot. and because i fell alseep and missed the first half, i pretty much got all the action that i needed. and since there was no premier league footy tonight, it meant no s**tball channel with their s**tty pundits with their s**tty "expert" punditry.

and i still haven't included hearing about ollie's pap cocktail function where all the mps called everyone "comrade". i had a ball with the animal farm and communist jibes after that. it's so ridiculous.

5 jan 2008 rocked.



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