Thursday, March 16, 2006

it's always someone else's fault, isn't it?

wow. i'm one post away from post number one hundred here on blogspot. incredible. anyway.

ok, sue me for eavesdropping, but it's hard to ignore a guy bitching about his girlfriend when you're just walking in front of him and he's not making any attempt whatsoever to hide his frustration telling his friend his whole sop story. anyway, it seemed like this fella just couldn't stop listing out fault after fault of his girlfriend. can't understand him. can't understand that exams in uni are so much more taxing than poly. can't wait to celebrate anniversary another day. can't find company other than him cos she has no friends. can't understand that gym is indispensable to him?!

geez. even a typically boyish guy like me can tell that he's making all the cardinal sins in a relationship. ok, i have the benefit of hindsight, and i have made these mistakes before, but i seriously pity the girl. sure, everyone wants private time to themselves. we all need time out to study. but i think if you're in a relationship, you've gotta commit. sometimes it's not so simple, but come on. it's obvious the girl loves you, she goes out of the way to cook for you, and you're just reducing her effort to nothing more than an annoyance to you? the nerve. i think if one can't commit, one should quit the relationship than do the poor other party such a major injustice and diminish their efforts to love you. love isn't a feeling, it's a decision we make. it induces feelings of pleasure and warmth, but we choose the people we wish to love. it's an action. it requires a conscious effort.

what strikes me even more is that the bonehead couldn't even fault himself. why can't she be like this? why can't she be like that? seriously. the whole world doesn't revolve around one man. i mean come on. are people so full of themselves that they just cannot see themselves as the wrongful party? we're all prone to our human failings, no doubt i could be just judging someone who could've been worked up into a ranting mode, but i just feel it went a little too far. at least be a man and not blame everything on the poor lass. some people just don't know how much they have...


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