Saturday, September 17, 2005

now this is just brilliant...

to combat the spread of dengue, now people are actually looking to removing all the bloody trees that could be potential breeding sites for those pesky skeeters. *shakes head*... what the hell is wrong with you people? it's like cutting off one's nose to spite one's face... sure, mosquitoes can breed in water collected on plants. sure, mosquitoes are perhaps the peskiest of all of God's creatures, more so now that they're spreading dengue rapidly. but isn't it natural for those little buggers to breed in water collected on a planted? it's nature's way... so why are we thinking of destroying precious nature when she is carrying out things in her own way? hellooooo... it's natural. not like us having flower pots or vases filled with water for those little critters to breed in. while i hate mosquitoes and obviously do not relish the prospect of getting dengue, i don't think we should meddle with nature's mechanisms just to stop the spread of dengue. if that's the case, why don't we just nuke singapore and kill every single damn living thing other than human life and go on? mosquitoes, like it or not, are part of nature. interupting nature's processes just isn't man's calling, especially if it involves destructive measures like cutting down trees. we should protect and preserve the hand of mother nature that feeds us whilst finding other less silly and drastic measures to solve a problem like dengue.


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